



在讲故事时,我们往往会用到过去进行时态(the past continuous tense) was/were doing来设置故事发生的过去背景(We often use the past continuous tense to “set the scene” in stories.)这是因为进行时态往往表示一个持续的活动场景,所以用它来铺垫故事的背景,往往会给读者一种身临其境的感觉。

It was getting darker. The rain was beating on the windows. The wind was rising. A wood fire was burning on the hearth, and a cat was sleeping in front of it. A girl was playing the piano and was singing softly to herself. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door…
上文中就是用了一系列过去进行时(was getting, was beating, was rising, was burning, was sleeping, was playing和 was singing)来进行故事背景的铺垫——屋外是风雨交加的恶劣天气, 而屋内是温馨、舒适和祥和的气氛,这两者形成了鲜明的对比. 然后“传来了敲门声”——这一切都烘托出了一种略带恐怖的氛围。

James Bond was driving through town. It was raining. The wind was blowing hard. Nobody was walking in the streets. Suddenly, Bond saw the killer in a telephone box…
上面这种通过描写一系列过去进行的动作来渲染故事背景的过去进行时用法,多见于文学作品中。在日常生活的叙事中,我们更多的是把“过去进行时”和“一般过去时”配合使用(past continuous tense+simple past tense)。此时,过去进行时通常表示一个历时较长的体现“背景”的动作或状态;而一般过去时则表示在此“背景”下发生的一个短暂的动作或状态。简言之,长动作用过去进行时,短动作用一般过去时,以此表示在过去进行时的动作的持续期间,发生了另一个短暂动作。这两个动作之间用when或while连接。

I was walking along the street late last night when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody was following me. I was frightened and I started to run.
这句中的walk表示“一直在走”,显然是长动作,所以要用过去进行时;hear表示“听到了”,显然是短动作,所以用了一般过去时。这里表示在was walking这个持续动作的背景下发生了短暂动作heard。


I was watching TV when the telephone rang.
我当时正在看电视, 突然电话铃响了。 在这个句子里,“看电视(watching TV)”可能持续几个小时, 而“电话铃响”可能就持续几秒钟(a few seconds)。但在下面这个句子里:
I was walking past the car when it exploded.
汽车爆炸时我正好刚走过。在这里,walking past the car可能只持续了几秒钟(a few seconds),而exploded则更短,可能也就几毫秒(a few milliseconds)。
I was cooking dinner last night when I cut my finger. 我昨晚做晚饭的时候,不小心把手指给切了。
I was telephoning Harry when she arrived. 她到的时候,我正在给哈里打电话。
…when I was cutting my finger.
那意思就变成“当我在砍手指的时候……”,此时cutting就变成一个长动作了。相信一个正常人是不会说出这样的话的,更不会做出cutting fingers这样的行为。
1) I was telephoning Harry when she arrived.
2) I telephoned Harry when she arrived.
在例句1)中,telephone是一个延续动作,arrive是短暂 动作。用进行时telephoning是表明在“我”打电话的过程中,她到了,即先telephone,后arrive。在例句2)中,telephone和arrive都用一般过去时,都变成了短暂动作。此时,是表明“我”打电话是发生在她来了之后,即先arrive,后telephone。
1) 她到的时候我正在给哈里打电话。
2) 她到了之后,我再给哈里打电话。


when的后面接短动作,用一般过去时(when+short action, simple past tense),或者接长动作,用过去进行时(when+long action, past continuous tense); while的后面只能接长动作,用过去进行时(while+long action, past continuous tense)。

I was walking past the car when it exploded.
The car exploded when I was walking past it.
The car exploded while I was walking past it.
不能说: I was walking past the car while it exploded. *


While I was studying in my dorm, my roommates were talking loudly with their friends. 我在宿舍里学习的时候,我的室友在大声地和他们的朋友们说话。
While I was studying last night, my wife was watchingTV. 我昨晚学习的时候,我的妻子在看电视。


I was discussing my thesis with my director at this time last night. (特定时刻)

A: What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
B: I was having dinner with my friends.


在口语表达中,我们还常常用过去进行时来表示委婉的请求或建议,这时并不表示过去时间的动作。这尤其适用于表示态度的动词,如 wonder, hope和think等,这些动词用过去进行时(was wondering)或现在进行时(is wondering),均表示现在的一种愿望或态度,给人一种探询式的、犹豫不决的印象,因而显得很礼貌。

I was wondering if you’d like to lend me your car.
I was wondering if you could lend me your car.
I was hoping that you’d like to lend me your car.
I was thinking that you’d like to lend me your car.
I hope to borrow your car.
I wonder if you can lend me your car.