

Yesterday I had a phone call from Clint. I was very surprised. I ______ (write) to him many times but he ______ (never, reply) to my letters.
答案:had written, had never replied

A: I need to find a dermatologist.(皮肤科医生) You’re familiar with Dr. Smith. Do you recommend her?
B: Well, I ______ (see) by her a few times. And the best I can say for her is she has interesting magazines in her waiting room.
答案:have been seen

It’s reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ______ (rise) by about 10%.
答案:will have risen

I have entered the university for two years.
答案:错误,应改为:I have been in the university for two years,或者用一般过去时态说成:I entered the university two years ago.

He has left his native place for three years.

A: Are you glad you came to China?
B: Yes. Indeed. 我本来是要考虑去Tokyo or Singapore, but 我从不后 悔我的决定。
答案:I’d considered going to Tokyo or Singapore, but I’ve never regretted my decision.
解析:表示“非真实”的过去,主要是指intend,mean,hope,want,plan,suppose,expect, think,propose和wish等动词用于过去完成时,可表示过去未能实现的计划、设想、意图或希望等。

George would certainly have attended the proceedings ______.
A. had he not had a flat tire
B. had the tire no flattened itself
C. if the flat tire hadn’t happened
D. if he didn’t get a flat tire

If Greek civilization ______ all of Europe, English wouldn’t contain so many Greek words.
A. hadn’t influenced
B. doesn’t influence
C. hasn’t influenced
D. didn’t influence

Nelson ______ the fight, with a little more training and a better manager.
A. would win
B. had won
C. could have won
D. won

He would rather ______ than worked last night.
A. have slept
B. has slept
C. sleep
D. slept
解析:本题考查 would rather have done 的虚拟句型,本题相当于“He would rather have slept than have worked last night.” ,后边的 have 被省去了。

If the climate had been more favorable, the crops ______ still better.
A. would have grown
B. would be growing
C. would be grown
D. will grow

These facts suggested that women ______ in opportunity for physical exercise by cultural taboos.
A. should been limited
B. had been limited
C. be limited
D. have been limited
解析:这里的 suggested 是“表明,显示”而不是“建议”的意思,因而不用虚拟语气。

The result has turned still worse than it ______
A. would otherwise have been
B. would be otherwise
C. has otherwise been
D. had otherwise been
解析:这里有 otherwise ,表明要用虚拟,且是虚拟的主句形式。另根据句意判断,这里是表示过去虚拟,故要用 would have done 形式,所以 A 正确。

We (could, might) go to that new restaurant opposite the cinema.

You (could, may) be right, but I still don’t agree with you!
解析:could更加的委婉和客观,因为后面的but I still don’t agree with you,所有要用may,即使两者可能性程度都很低。

The situation was bad but it (could be, may have been, could have been) worse.
答案:could have been

Thank you very much for buying me flowers. You ______ (buy) me flowers.
错误答案:couldn’t have bought
正确答案:shouldn’t have bought

Mary was a talented violinist at the age of ten. She ______ (play) the violin very well when she was ten.
错误答案:must have played
正确答案:could play

Our worrying so much was a waste of time.=We ______ (worry) so much.
错误答案:shouldn’t worry
正确答案:needn’t have worried

It’s possible that the last person to leave didn’t lock the door.=The last person to leave ______ (lock) the door.
错误答案:could haven’t locked
正确答案:may not have locked
解析:过去推测,在否定句中,can’t/couldn’t要比may not/might not的否定语气强烈。

She paid him and walked off. Then she realized that he ______ (not, be) a deaf mute. How did she know? He must have heard her initial instructions or he ______ (not, know) where to take her.
正确答案:can’t have been wouldn’t have known

The boss has promised that every player in NBA ______ have a rise in income.
A. would B. might C. shall D. should

He was a good swimmer so he ______ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.
A. could B. might C. succeeded to D. was able to
解析:was able to才是表达过去具体的能力,could只能表达过去潜在的能力。

He did very badly on the exam. He ______ harder.
A. must study B. must have studied C. should study D. should have studied

He ______ pull down a bull and acknowledged as a man with superman strength.
A. used to be able to B. would be able to C. should be able to D. might be able to

This book falls overdue a week; I must be fined.

He looked ______.
A. nervously
B. around nervous
C. around nervously
解析:C。look作系动词时,意为“看起来”,后面接形容词作表语。look作行为动词时,意为“看”,lookC。look作系动词时,意为“看起来”,后面接形容词作表语。look作行为动词时,意为“看”,look around意为“朝周围看”,可以被副词nervously修饰,充当其方式状语。

In 1952 Ernest Hemingway published The Old Man and the Sea, ______.
A. won him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954
B. and the Nobel Prize for Literature won in 1954
C. in 1954 won the Nobel Prize for Literature for this work
D. a work that won him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954
解析:本题考查双宾语结构:win sb. sth.。这里D选项中 a work是作为同位语,补充说明The Old Man and the Sea。然后在work后边接一个定语从句。 精品译文:在1952年,欧内斯特·海明威发表了小说《老人与海》,这部作品为他赢得了1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。

The question is ______ can be put into practice.
A. how you have learned
B. how that you have learned
C. that why you have learned
D. how what you have learned